Locked Down for Radio Interview

Hammer here — Federal Death Row

Well, it’s official. Yours truly is in the shit again! I was informed at 1:00 P.M. Monday May 17 that I am officially under investigation for posing a threat to the security of the institution, all because of the Radio Interview I did with Alex Jones on Friday, May 14, 2010. For those of you who haven’t heard the interview it’s on Facebook, and several other places on the web. I’m told by those who have immediate control over me that my legal calls to my attorneys including Jesse Trentadue have been suspended. I have no doubt that my social calls and e-mail access will be terminated soon as well.

It appears as if the federal government is intent on trying to keep me quiet about the Oklahoma City Bombing. I’m afraid that they may be planning to try and shut me up for good. Early in the a.m. shortly after midnight (May 17, 2010) the unit officer came by my cell to inform me that I was going to be going on a medical trip and to refrain from eating or drinking.  Since I’m not scheduled for any such trip I respectfully declined to go on any such trip. It would be an easy thing for some guard to say I attempted to escape after he had shot me. No, I’m not paranoid, and those of you who know me well know this to be true. I don’t however put anything past some people within the Department of Justice and other governmental agencies.

I’m told that I am going to be transferred to an isolation cell here on the unit. I don’t know for certain as no written or official word has been given to me yet. What I know comes from the officers working the unit. About five minutes ago, my Counselor, John Edwards brought me some legal mail and when I asked him if this was all because of the Alex Jones Interview, he said, “I shouldn’t have to tell you this.” When I explained to him that according to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit’s en banc opinion, I am allowed to do telephone interviews and I’m allowed to conduct conference calls with my attorneys,

Mr. Edwards stated “You’ll have to take that up with someone above my pay grade.” Well, so far I’ve not seen anyone else in any position of authority.

I attempted to place several telephone calls on the inmate telephone line to alert y’all to my situation, but wasn’t able to get the calls to go through. Kept getting a recording saying you have reached mail box——— I’ve not yet been told if this is the Bureau of Prisons intercepting the calls or what. Usually they are only allowed to take such action after disciplinary action has been litigated in the institutional system.

I want to get the word out to Alex Jones, Scott Horton, and online via all avenues. I can’t blog if they take away my e-mail access, so I need those of you in a position to do so to do it for me. I encourage Warden Helen J. Marberry’s e-mail address and telephone number be placed online. The more people who protest what is happening the better. Those of you in a position to do Alex Jones show and to cover this situation the better. There is still a First Amendment in this country and while prison officials may be able to stop me from speaking out, they can’t stop y’all.

I want to send this on now in hopes that it will reach you all before they stop my e-mails from going out.

Just so everyone knows, I am not planning to kill myself or do anything else stupid. If I end up dead it’s for speaking the truth and nothing more.

In Solidarity,

David Paul Hammer

Federal Death Row

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